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About Rohit Khandelwal
Rohit Khandelwal (born 19 August 1989), is an Indian model, actor, television personality, winner of Mr India 2015, and the first ever Asian to be crowned Mister World in the 2016 contest. Rohit Khandelwal has also been a TED speaker at TEDxUPES at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
Mr. Rohit Khandelwal became the first Asian to win the title of Mister World at a ceremony on 19 July 2016 at Southport Theatre, Floral Hall, The Promenade, Southport. The competition saw 47 participants from around the world. Rohit Khandelwal received a cash prize of $50,000/- from winning the pageant. He also competed for various sub-titles at the pageant, including but not limited to Mr. World Multimedia Award, Mr. World Talent, Mobstar People’s Choice Awards, Mr. World Sports Event and won the subtitle of Mr. World Mutimedia Award.
During his reign as Mister World, Rohit has traveled to Philippines, Korea, South Africa, China, and numerous trips to India and United Kingdom.
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关于Rohit Khandelwal
Rohit Khandelwal(1989年8月19日出生),印度模特,演员,电视名人,2015年印度先生的获奖者,以及第一位在2016年比赛中被冠以世界先生的亚洲人。 Rohit Khandelwal还是德拉敦石油与能源研究大学TEDxUPES的TED演讲者。
Rohit Khandelwal先生于2016年7月19日在绍斯波特海滨长廊花艺厅南港剧院举行的仪式上成为第一位赢得世界先生称号的亚洲人。比赛共有来自世界各地的47名参赛者参加。 Rohit Khandelwal获得了$ 50,000 /的现金奖励 - 赢得了选美比赛。他还参加了选美大赛的各种副标题,包括但不限于世界多媒体先生奖,世界人才先生,Mobstar人民选择奖,世界体育大赛先生,并获得了World Mutimedia先生的副标题。